



Die besten Pintxo-Bars in San Sebastián Gros Neighborhood



Falsa lasaña de anchoas

False anchovy lasagne

Txalupa: gratinado de setas con langostinos

Txalupa: mushrooms gratin with prawns

Donostiarra: bonito, guindilla y anchoilla

Donostiarra: tuna, chilli and anchovies

Crujiente de langostino

Crispy prawns 

Cuchara de hongos con crema de marisco

Mushroom spoon with shellfish cream

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Plataforma de jamón

Ham platform

Completo: mini de bonito, guindilla...

Complete: tuna sandwich, chilli pepper...

Indurain: taco de bonito con guindilla

Indurain: piece of tuna with chilli pepper

Tortilla de Roquefort

Roquefort omelette

Copa Bodega (postre)

Copa Bodega (dessert)

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Ensaladilla rusa + Gatxupa

Russian Salad Gatxupa style

Txangurro a la donostiarra, cacahuete y chile de árbol

Donostia-style spider crab, peanuts and chilli 

Ceviche de langostino acapulqueño

"Acapulqueño" prawn ceviche

Papada crujiente,vegetales a la parrilla y foie

Crispy jowl, grilled vegetables and foie gras

Croquetas de jamón nº5

Number 5 ham croquettes

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Tosta de caviar de salmón salvaje y yema encurtida

Wild salmon caviar and pickled egg yolk toast

Barquillo de camarones y kiskilla marinada

 Marinated shrimp wafers

Alcachofas con "Tres Aceitunas"

Artichokes with "Three Olives"

Coca de escalivada con anchoa en salazón

Escalivada coca with salted anchovies

Txipiron sopleteado con salsa bizkaina y su tinta

Seared squid with "bizkaina" sauce and its ink

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Taco de atún rojo con salsa Bulgogi y germinados

Piece of thuna with Bulgogi sauce and sprouts

Foie a la plancha con compota de manzana y cebolla pochada 

Grilled foie gras with apple compote and poached onions 

Carbón de brie con mermelada de tomate 

Brie charcoal with tomato jam 

Txipirones a la plancha con vinagreta de verduritas 

Grilled squid with vegetables vinaigrette 

Carrillera ibérica confitada con salsa de Pedro Ximenez

Iberian pork cheek confit with Pedro Ximenez sauce

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Pimiento parrillero relleno de su esencia con roca de yuca

Grilled pepper stuffed with its essence with yucca rock

Sardina ahumada con tomate, alioli de wakame y rabanito encurtido

Smoked sardine with tomato, wakame aioli and pickled baby radish

Ravioli de chipirón encebollado con bombón líquido de cebolleta infusionada en txakoli y parmesano crujiente

Ravioli of baby squid with onion infused in txakoli and crispy parmesan

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The establishments included in this guide are selected according to their gastronomic quality, but also for the treatment and level of service offered to their customers. Please let us know through our  email if you have any suggestion or incident to send us about these establishments.

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